Bass Guitar Scales
Major Scale Forms

Bass Guitar Scales: Major Scale Forms

Major Scales are pretty much the basis of music . As you continue to progress, you will understand why they are so important.

I have not gone into structure here--you can learn that in the Music Theory section. Right now I am just going to give you some basic movable scale shapes. The first two start on and are named after the 4th string:

The first scale begins on the first fret of the 4th string. The note on that fret if "F", so this is an F major scale. If you started the same pattern on the 5th fret ("A"), it would become an A major scale. That is why it is called a "movable" shape.

The Grey dots indicate the root (name) of the scale. In this example, the Grey dots are located on the note "F".

Learn Bass Guitar Scales!

Here is a different shape:

This one begins on "G" so it is a G major scale. If you play this one and then play the first one starting on the 3rd fret, they will sound the same. Get the picture?

The scale form that you use depends on which position is the most convenient for the particular song and gives you the sound that you want.

Practice both forms until you are able to play them smoothly and make them sound like music. If you don't have a metronome, now would be a great time to invest in one.

Here is the next pattern:

This pattern begins on "B"--the second fret on the 3rd string--so it is a B major scale.

What would this scale be called if it started on the 5th fret? If you said "D", you are absolutely right! If you are unsure of the bass guitar notes, please review Bass Guitar Basics These, and ALL scales, are the foundation of your playing. Learn them well and you will never regret the time you spent learning them!


Do you need drum tracks to practice with? We have just added a whole section of midi drum backing tracks! Now you can practice with the original drum part. Check them out at Almost Free Drum Tracks

The next lesson is Bass Guitar Minor Scales

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