Bass Guitar Chords
Minor Chords

Bass Guitar Chords:

Learning to Play Minor Chords on the Bass Guitar

Just a Bit of Theory

The only difference between a MAJOR chord and a MINOR chord is that the minor chord takes the third of the scale (the 2nd note in the chord) down 1/2 step.

Why do I need to know bass guitar chords?

Since the bass guitar usually plays only one note at a time, the bass player usually plays chords in the same manner--one note at a time. Why is it important for you to know the same chords that the guitar player uses? Because bass guitar parts are primarily made up of notes in the chord that is being played by the rest of the band.

If you have mastered the Bass Guitar Major Chords lesson, you are ready for the bass guitar MINOR chords.

Below, you will find a free chart of the Minor Chords for the bass guitar. In case you don't yet read bass guitar notes, I have included easy to read tablature.

Here is the chart. If you want to print it, just right click on the image, choose "save image as", save it to your desktop and then print it.

***You should MEMORIZE the chords. Notice that for each string, the pattern is the same for all chords. If you know the names of bass guitar notes, you can just memorize each of the two patterns and then start on the note that has the same name as the chord you want to play.

***You can practice these chords with a metronome. Just set the metronome for about 60 bpm to begin and play one note per beat through the entire series of chords on one string. Then you can gradually increase the metronome speed.

Learn Bass Chords!


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