Brand New!! Midi Drum Backing Tracks!

This one is for you guitar and keyboard players. Now you can have real drum parts to back up you up when you practice your favorite songs!

These backing tracks are accurate midi recordings of the drum parts on songs. They take up very little space and are quick to download.

You can open them with any media player and burn them to CD or even put them on your iPod or mp3 player. I have even had buyers send me files that they have loaded into "Cakewalk" and other similar audio recording and editing programs, where they have added additional parts and then have an entire band to practice with.

Check them out at Almost Free Drum Tracks

**We are working hard to complete the listing of available tracks, so keep checking back often!

Especially for Keyboard Players

I am excited to have found a brand new program that is absolutely the best that I have ever seen. It is called "Piano for All". You get 10 great books of instruction in various types of music, including chords and solos.

You also get 500 audio lessons and 10 video lessons PLUS a bonus book on how to increase your creative ability. The comments that I have heard from those who have purchased this program have all been extremely positive.

You can learn more at Piano For All

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Remember to tell your friends about the Free "Harmonizing the Minor Scales" mini E-Book. Tell them to go to:

Subscribe to Absolutely Free Music Lessons! and sign up for the newsletter. That's all they have to do--the download link for the free gift will be sent to them automatically!

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter and found it valuable. Until next month--

Lynne May

May Music Studio

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